Saturday, November 9, 2013

Today's DIY: Laundry Soap

Over the past year or so I have become much more of a do-it-yourself kind of person. I have mostly dealt in the realm of food doing things such as making my own vanilla extract, beans, bread doughs, etc. It's not that I'm terrified of what is in the store bought versions, it just brings a sense of satisfaction knowing that I can and did do it by myself! I have also learned that more often than not the homemade version is just as good, if not better, and usually a lot cheaper than the store bought one. 

Since we moved out to Connecticut I have been debating making my own laundry soap. We had a pretty good supply already and it's not like we go through a ton (though I'm guessing that will change here real soon) so I haven't had a need to buy any yet - and I probably wouldn't have for at least another month. I've heard really good things about homemade laundry soap though and decided that since I'm also trying to be thrifty, having become the sole income provider, that now was a perfect time to try it out. I opted to make it before baby came so that I won't have to worry about it when I am still adjusting to life with a newborn. 

A friend and veteran laundry soap maker suggested this recipe so that is the one I used. Everything about it was super easy! I was worried about finding all the ingredients, but they were all there in the detergent aisle right by each other like they were catering to us do-it-yourselfers. 

I opted to use the Purex Crystals for baby because they are hypoallergenic and dye free and since we don't know if our little guy will have any sensitivities like that, I figured better safe than sorry. The for baby kind only came in 28 oz bottles, so I bought two of those. Some of the reviews mention that the scent becomes overpowering with the two big bottles worth of crystals so I figure if I want it more smelly it will be easy enough to add another bottle, but I'll start from here and see how I feel. After just mixing it, I am very pleased with the scent and my whole kitchen smells lovely. haha. 

I also bought a 6 gallon container with a lid to store it in. I didn't have anything big enough to mix it all in or store it and this was prettier than a 5 gallon bucket (not that it really matters though, haha).

This picture was taken after I filled the emptied purex bottles with the mixture, so it was a little more full to begin with. 

I also kept the scooper from the oxyclean to help me fill my bottles. It might come in handy later too so I have it just in case.

And finished product!

Here is my cost breakdown for comparison purposes:

Blue Container to store it in: $6.47 (one time purchase)
Borax: $3.38
Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda: $3.24
Oxyclean: $7.52
Soap (5 Fels Naphtha bars 0.97 each): $4.85
Arm and Hammer Baking Soda: $2.24
Purex Crystals (2 small bottles $4.76 each): $9.52

Total today: $37.22
Total not including storage container (presumably all future totals): $30.75

It's supposed to last for a reeeeaaally long time - which I can see happening because it makes a ton. While it might be a larger expense initially, in the long run it does appear that it will be cheaper overall - even with the container included in the price. My frugal side is very pleased about that. I should note that the bigger Purex Crystals were only $8 something, so it would be a little cheaper if you went that route.

Here's to hoping it is as effective as I have heard it is and will be the only laundry soap we use from this point forward! I am excited to give it a try! So much so in fact that I might have to try a load or two before I finish the rest of the laundry soap I already had. Hooray for being domestic and resourceful!

37 Weeks!

There is a term baby in that belly!

I know they recently changed the rules to full term being 39 weeks, so I'll just settle with calling our little man term because even according to the new rules, 37 weeks is considered "early" term. Plus, I made it through most of my pregnancy with 37 being considered full term so I should get to abide by those standards still, right? haha. 

This is the part where I tell a lot of specifics about this particular pregnancy so feel free to stop here and proceed with something else if you'd like, if not, read away, but know that you have been warned. 

Besides being nauseous every minute of my life for the first 14 weeks (well technically not the whole 14 - I did okay until 6 which is when it really hit), this has been a really easy pregnancy. I have had very few of the horrible symptoms associated with being pregnant. Even still, I have suffered very little back pain which is beyond common by now. I'm not super uncomfortable either - yes, it is a tragedy anytime I need to retrieve something from the floor, and I can't wait to sleep on my stomach again, but those are just minor inconveniences compared to what I could be feeling. Probably the most prominent symptom I have had is I swear I am going blind. Which happens, I'm told, compliments of the hormones. Some days are definitely worse than others but they say not to do anything about it because it should go away at delivery. I did randomly have an eye test when I started working out here and I score 20/25 - which isn't the goal, but still not to the point that they even treat yet. But again, of all the things I could be experiencing, I feel like this is pretty minimal.

However, I have made up for my lack of unpleasant symptoms by being in the minority on a lot of random things pregnancy related. None of them bad, just different from the norm. The biggest one is the two vessel cord, because there is a small chance of problems there but obviously not with my baby. There were also the choroid plexus cysts, which are completely gone now and were a normal part of our baby's development. Then I failed my glucose screen and had to do the 3 hour glucose tolerance test - which was perfectly normal, thankfully. Next up, I was (hopefully not anymore) anemic and have been taking Iron supplements my whole third trimester. We found out this week that I am Group B Strep positive so I will need antibiotics in labor and if my water breaks before I go into labor I will be induced. None of these things have had a negative impact or are really a big deal, but for some reason I am one of the lucky few that gets to experience all of them. Again though, that's okay because they haven't really effected my life negatively or really at all besides a few extra minutes of my time here and there. 

Anyway, that is my pregnancy is a wrap! Here's to hoping that labor goes as smoothly as the pregnancy did and that future pregnancies will follow suit!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Maternity Shoot + Another Growth Check + Random Thoughts

9 weeks ago I had the opportunity to go home and have a baby shower. I am soooo glad I did! It was so good to see everyone and celebrate this sweet baby boy with friends and family who now live so far away. I would like to give a special thanks again to all those who came and brought/shipped gifts to help us prepare for our baby's arrival. 

While I was there, I was able to do a Maternity shoot with one of my old coworkers, the same one who did our family photos a year and a half or so ago. You can find more of her work here. Here are some of my favorites:

I was 28 weeks along when these photos were taken and I thought my belly was so big then. Little did I know just how big it would get! Looking back, my belly was solo tiny then!

As for a more current update, baby is looking great! He is still big, and I got to have another ultrasound this week to see just how big he is so my doctors know what they are dealing with at delivery. The verdict: at 36 weeks 4 days he was estimated to be 7 lbs 11 oz, which puts him in the 95th percentile. Um, wow? haha. However, the doctor estimates that he will be around 8 1/2 or 9 lbs at birth which I feel great about! I'm not sure how that relates to him currently being 95th percentile because I feel like 8 1/2 to 9 isn't 95th percentile big. We'll see technically any day now! 

It's funny how for the last 6 or 7 weeks all I have wanted is for it to be time. I've had lots of thoughts of "am I there yet?" or "can I please just be 37 weeks?" and now that I"m there my thoughts have shifted to "go ahead and hang out just a little longer baby" and "a couple more weeks would be great". haha. Don't get me wrong - I am soooo excited and getting more so every single day! It would just be such better timing in a couple weeks. Not that I really have any say in it, this one is all up to baby!

Also, we seem to be in a bit of a naming crisis. We have been settled with two names for weeks, but now that the time is here, it seems like such a big deal! Naming a child is such a huge responsibility. This little boy will be stuck with the name that we give him FOREVER! Current options include (in no particular order): Kieran, Liam, Kyran, Kellan, Asher, and Breccan. Maybe we'll settle on one of those or choose something completely different. One thing we know for certain though: they don't let you leave the hospital until the baby has a name, so we'll have to decide fairly quickly after he's born. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! Not that I feel that others opinions are super important in the naming of our child, but because any thoughts that others may have will resonate with us and spur us in a particular direction. 

That's all I've got for now! Maybe the next update will be of the birth of our child!