Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Should have named him Davies!!!

Well Tiff has been trying to get me to write a blog entry for a while and I kept procrastinating cause there was never anything I wanted to write about. Obviously that changed because here I am giving you all a little update on our wonderful puppy Jimmer. As you know we love him very much aside from all his mischief like peeing on Tiffany and such. Recently he has discovered a new way to get into trouble......puppy humping. I honestly don't know what else to call it. He basically will hump any dog he can get his little legs around. The bigger the better.

A few days ago I took him to the dog park to help him get some energy out and to his delight there was a multitude of dogs to play with. He frolicked among dogs 7 and 8 times his size. After a few minutes he seemed to zone in on one in particular. A 100+ pound Wolamute. For those of you not familiar with dog lingo that is a hybrid between a Malamute(Husky like) and a pure Rocky Mountain Timber Wolf. Honestly if I came across this dog in the wild, I would not be able to tell the difference between 50% wolf and 100%. To Jimmer on the other hand, who thinks he is as big as any other dog in the world, this dog would be the prize notch in his proverbial bedpost. Yes, he chased the wolf hybrid down and started pumping away. Just about every owner at the park could not help from laughing at the little 9 pound JRT try to have his way with the wolf that could quite literally have Jimmer for breakfast. No seriously, I asked the wolfs owner how much he eats in day......10 LBS!!!! Seriously!?!?!?! We are lucky if Jimmer eats a cup a day. Anyway, as you can imagine size is a bit of an obstacle for little Jimmer, so most of the time he has to settle for humping the other dogs legs. Although there are some smaller dogs he seems to manage just find, in absence of a larger breed. All embarrassment aside, I wish I had been able to take a picture of him trying to mount the wolf.

The next day we made another trip to the dog park. Much to Jimmers dismay there was no Wolf to be found; so he settled for a 90 pound German Shepard.

The Shepard kept trying to escape under the picnic table, that doesn't work too well when you are trying to escape a dog 1/10th your size.

Apparently, Jimmer knows how to share. Pour German Shepard, victim to 2 tiny little pimps.

It was a good thing the Shepard was in a compliant mood or else I'm not sure Jimmer would have survived this very very very embarrassing behavior.

Due to his dog park excursions we frequently need to bathe him once we get home. He is really very tolerant of the baths and he is just so cute that its hard to hold his puppy humping against him.
Apparently acting like you are a big dog and the non-stop humping makes a dog tired as he always crashes for a puppy nap after taking his bath. This last picture was taken right after he woke up just seems to really capture the inner Jimmer. While the previous pictures of the humping make us think he is at least part Davies. HAHA


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