Sunday, March 20, 2011

the joys of potty training

First off, I have to give kudos to our little Jimmer.  These last couple weeks the potty training thing has really began to stick. He rarely has accidents anymore and half the time they are just as much our fault as they are his.

With that said, Jimmer peed on me today - something neither of Hunter or I ever expected to happen. Despite the gross factor, it was actually quite funny.

We have a pretty good sized balcony that we have a dog igloo on and a doggie litter box full of bark similar to what he pees on outside.  When we first set this up, we taught him to go potty in the litter box and he seemed to pick up on it rather quickly. Today, however; we have decided he no longer uses it to go potty.

After church we let him in - he is always so excited to see us after we have been gone for a while. When he came in, I was playing with him and petting him like I normally do when suddenly - mid play mind you - this little yellow stream starts hitting my shirt. Needless to say, I was a little surprised. I think that Jimmer was equally surprised though. Because he is still a puppy, he doesn't have 100% control over his bladder and when he is really excited or active sometimes loses control - which is what happened today. He quickly ran around the ottoman - peeing the whole way - because I'm fairly certain he was horrified. His little puppy face looked so sad and his ears were all pulled back like they get when he is uncertain or scared which made it nearly impossible to be mad.

We decided we can't really count this as an accident against him because of the circumstances. I had to clean up so much pee though! I quickly changed my clothes then scrubbed the carpet all around our ottoman. So. Much. Pee. It very well might have been his biggest pee accident inside.

The joys of potty training.

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