Monday, September 30, 2013

Moving to Connecticut!

One of the biggest things to happen to us all summer (year to date??) was move across the country. We couldn't have chosen somewhere much farther to move than we did. But, we made it and now call New Haven, Connecticut our home. We took it slowly instead of busting it out in a few consecutive days which I think worked really well. 

First off was packing up our home in Draper, obviously.

Before we officially left the area, we decided to stop at perhaps the one and only food truck in all of Utah/Salt Lake county (which we also happen to LOVE!) - waffle love. Thank goodness baby decided that waffles were acceptable! It was a good last meal for us in Northern Utah.

Next stop was Parowan to spend a few days with my family before peacing out completely. Mostly for me it was a lot of relaxing and recovering - turns out I exerted myself a little more than I probably should have in our cleaning and packing saga. Our dogs thoroughly enjoyed hanging out at my parent's house running around, digging, barking at chickens, and getting so. dirty.

Brit and Andre came down with us to spend the weekend. We were able to have a few more days with them before having to say by, which was nice. 

Next stop: Denver! Our dogs quickly took control of all the dogs in the Paddock household and made sure that they were aware they were in control. Ameya was thrilled to have her sidekick who she could sick on the other dogs to enforce her will. By the end of day two, both the little dogs were hiding under Hunter's parents beds and wouldn't come out unless they absolutely had too. It was eerily reminiscent of how Ameya corners Oreo at my parent's house.

We ate some great food in Denver as well, hitting up all our favorite places since it will likely be a while before we are back. Two of the most notable places: Tokabi (Native American Indian Food) and Cherry Cricket of course.

Exhibit A of our dogs running the house.

We also made sure to spend as much time as we could with Jes and Rendy. We will certainly miss having them only 8 hours away. 

It was here that I got my pregnancy pillow - at about 20 weeks - and I am forever grateful that I did. Kenobi's look of enjoyment encompasses exactly how happy I am to have it (especially now that my bump is MUCH bigger).

This picture was taken at dinner the night before I headed out to Iowa. Hunter stayed in Denver just a couple days longer to play some Ultimate Frisbee of course. 

I am not sure how I don't have any pictures of Iowa at all, but for some reason I don't. We all had such a good time hanging out at my Grandma's house. I hadn't been there in probably 7 or 8 years so it was nice to be able to finally go back. Kenobi particularly loved it there - he could run and swim to his little hearts desire. A tired dog is definitely a good dog and that has never been more evident to me than it was that week. He played so hard every day and then when he went to sleep, didn't budge for a solid 8 hours. He also somehow managed to get himself two ticks within a couple centimeters of each other. Luckily, we had treated both the dogs with Frontline Plus before we left Denver and those ticks were a true testament to how well it actually works. While they were able to attach themselves enough to stick, it seems that neither of them actually got any blood and died rather quickly. It was worth the high price we paid for it.

The next leg of our journey included lunch in Chicago where we got some Chicago style pizza. They don't mess around there. No joke - the crust on this thing was at least a solid 3 inches thick.

We then proceeded on to Cincinatti where we had dinner with my college friend, Lindsey. It was so much fun to be able to see her cute family and catch up on life. I am so glad we decided to take that little detour. Again, I somehow managed to not get any pictures here. 

From there, the push to get to New Haven continued. This was the only part of our trip where we drove two days in a row. They were a long two days, but we all survived alright. Our dogs travelled surprisingly well. Ameya was a constant fixture on the driver's lap and Kenobi made himself right at home in the back seat, stretching out from door to door most of the time. 

My parents and I pulled in late Friday, July 26th. Hunter joined us a couple days later after a frisbee tournament in New Jersey. Our house was filthy (more on that later) when we moved it. Filthy as in black film coating all the walls and the hardwood floors hadn't even been swept, among other things. As a result, my mom and I spend the bulk of that Saturday scrubbing down the whole house, which isn't really a bad thing because now we have no doubt that we will be bringing home a baby to a home that has been deep cleaned recently. My dad was a trooper that day though and unpacked the ENTIRE POD while we cleaned. While we didn't get everything set up at that point, we got the basics and were able to relax just a little bit more the next day before my parents were off and back to Iowa.

The dogs definitely experienced a little culture shock(?). I'm not sure that's the right terminology, but they seemed to forget all their training and had a hard time adjusting. But, we eventually got there and they both seem to be better adapted to their new home at this point. 

As a side note: if ever you are moving a great distance, I highly recommend the POD. We were able to get one on super short notice and everything about it was soooo convenient. They moved it for us, we came when we wanted, didn't have to worry about a trailer, it was at our destination when we wanted it to be and they picked it up right when they said they would. Definitely worth the little extra it may cost. We will be using a POD for our next move as well, wherever that may take us. 

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