Thursday, February 16, 2012

We Have a Bad Dog.

Something happened in Ameya when she got spayed. Maybe in her anger over us taking her ovaries she is lashing out. Or, maybe because of her lack of ability to have offspring she has thrown caution to the wind. Or maybe she is still recovering from the fact that she went 3 days in a row without a walk (over 2 weeks ago now...).

Whatever it is I hope she gets over it soon.

Today she decided to jump out of my moving car window. No, I'm not kidding. Luckily she came out unscathed.

Every once in a while when we are in the car (whenever it is warm enough) I roll down the window so that Ameya can stick her head out. She loves it so much. She will glue her little ears to her head and close her eyes and get lost in the wonderfulness that is the wind against her face.

We were on our way to a big field pretty close to our house that we like to let her run in. I had just turned into the parking lot (and was going fairly slow) when she decided to jump out the window. It all happened so fast that I wasn't sure what was going on until I saw her tumbling along on the road beside my car. Needless to say, I was TERRIFIED that I was going to run her over.

I have flashes of her getting run over almost every time we cross the street. I am sure that this little incident will only make that worse. Also, I'm pretty sure I am forever scarred and my flashes will now change to me being the one running her over like I came so close to doing today.

She has a pretty low pain tolerance, which we have always known. Even at the possibility of pain being inflicted she gives a nice little shiba scream for us. She made no noise at all today. Maybe the surprise of the impact distracted her from the initial roll on the ground or maybe it really didn't hurt her, but there was no noise involved at all. When I was able to make sure I wasn't going to run over her, stop my car and get out she came happily prancing right over like nothing had happened. She also ran around the park as usual.

Needless to say, she won't be getting the window rolled down ever again. At least not for a very loooong time and the window will definitely never be rolled down all the way again. Ever.

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