Thursday, September 29, 2011

Long Live

Last night we went to the Taylor Swift concert. Hunter actually surprised me with tickets on our anniversary in Mexico. Not only was I surprised that I was getting a gift on top of a vacation, I was surprised that he was able to get tickets at all. We had talked about going at the beginning of the summer and by the time we had gotten around to looking at tickets (the beginning of June at the LATEST) they were already sold out. Apparently Taylor Swift is just a little bit popular. 

Here is a picture of the arena - Energy Solutions Arena - almost completely full. At the start of the concert she mentioned how there were 14,000 people there. I would believe it - almost every single seat was occupied.

Again, you can see the massive amounts of people in this one. The cooler part of this photo though is the balcony like structure in the middle. Yes, Taylor Swift is in it, being whisked around the arena. 

This is a little closer up version to help you get a better visual. She had incredible stunts like this the whole way through. This particular stunt was for Love Story, which was the last song she sang.

She was waaaay fun to watch in concert. She talked, laughed, sang (obviously), and seemed to be having a really good time which made it so that we were all having a really good time too. Also, she uses the pretty long blonde hair of hers. She flipped it around so many times. haha. 

They had a screen that you could text messages to and it would enter you to win pit passes (too bad we didn't win...) and this is a picture of it. Every one was intently watching to see if their messages would come up before the concert started when the following came up. Every time it switches color it is a different message and so comes up at a different time. Needless to say, the crowd went WILD! I don't know if I have ever heard a crowd that loud - and I have been a member of many a crowd. And that was only the beginning...the incredibly loud noise continued throughout the whole concert. I'm pretty sure every one of us 14,000 sang along to every song. When we left and it was quiet again, my ears felt confused - they had been overwhelmed with so much noise to process for hours straight and then suddenly it was quiet and they weren't quite sure what to make of that. haha. 

I'm pretty sure it took us 10 tries to get an acceptable picture like this. 

We decided we had to join the throngs of girls getting their picture taken with Taylor Swift. Since we didn't see her up close for reals, we figured this was a good substitute. 

Here is a video of Haunted. It will give you a little taste of just how awesome her whole concert was. 

And just because I thought it was funny...

However, it is very fitting seeing as there were probably 5 women for every man there. 

Moral of this post: if you ever get the opportunity to go to a Taylor Swift concert do not, I repeat, DO NOT pass it up. She does not disappoint in any way, shape, or form. 

As a side note, we left this little dog home alone with free reign of our apartment. By the time we drove downtown, ate dinner (Happy Sumo...yuuuuummy), partied at the concert, and drove home it had been about 7 hours. We were both a little worried that our couches would be chewed up and there would be pee puddles on the floor, but neither happened. She behaved herself very well and didn't make any messes at all! Way to go Ameya! I guess this means we are going to have to start trusting her home alone a little more. haha.

Side note #2: Taylor Swift writes all her own songs about her own life stories. Here is an interesting article dissecting her current album, Speak Now, and who all the songs are about. 

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