Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bye Bye Focus

After we came home, my car started great on Monday morning. For some reason it wouldn't start at all that afternoon. That was the last straw of a long and arduous process of fixing my car up for both Hunter and me. We had played with the idea of getting a new car earlier in the year and that last incident made it official. We spend a couple days looking for a car and finally decided on one (more details on that later). The car we want isn't available for 3-8 more weeks from Sept. 7th. Which leaves 1-6 weeks at this point. We figured that was perfect. It would give us time to sell my car, get a little more money put together for a down payment and go from there. Perfect plan, yes?

I cleaned it out really well, took some pictures (shown below) and posted an add on KSL for significantly more than we expected to be able to get. 

24 hours later I got a phone call from someone who wanted to look at it. 48 hours later, my car had already been sold for 3 hours - for very close to the asking price. 

Who knew that cars sell so fast? Neither of us were at all prepared for it to sell nearly so quickly. I wasn't emotionally prepared to sell my car that quickly. I was surprisingly still attached. It was my baby. The first car I bought completely by myself and the car I had been driving for the last 6 years. I have a good feeling about the new owners though and I'm sure they'll take good care of her. I will miss my car, although I'm sure those feelings will start to fade once I have a new one. 

We had some good and some bad times Focus, but overall it was a very good 6 years we had together. 

End nostalgic blurb.

Here's to living the next 6 weeks or so with only one car and a bike. 

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