Monday, June 13, 2011

Political Ventures

An interesting article came out a few weeks ago about Mormons and running for President, in reference to Mitt Romney in particular. I hadn't heard much about it really until we had a rivetting discussion the other night with some good friends. That, along with some friends facebook post's, got me to look into it a little more. Normally I am not one to comment much on politics, but this one caught my interest.

Here is a link to the original article, which was really an interview with Warren Cole Smith:

A Vote for Romney is a vote for the LDS Church

Here is a response to that article that I thought was very well written and brought up some good points. It is written by Michael Otterson.
Evangenlicals, Mormons, and the beliefs of the president

Again, I am not normally one to comment on such things, but this intrigued me. Does anyone have any comments or thoughts? I would like to know what others think as well.

1 comment:

  1. I read those two. Smith really has an argument just full of holes and I thought Otterson did a really great job of calmly pointing them out. I love Otterson. After I read that I read several more that he's recently written too.
